Saturday, August 1, 2009

010: Address to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners on Inmate, and Family Members Pain! Do they Care?


Posted by George Rhynes on 3/21/2004 23:30:40

13 March 2004

Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
325 W. Savannah Ave
Lowndes County Georgia 31601

Dear Chairman/Each Lowndes County Commissioner

PURPOSE OF LETTER: To state again for the record, that these eleven (11) inmates are human beings capable of feeling pain, hurt, and neglect! And that on 9 March 2004, I came before you again because I never received a response to my original letter:

On 26 August 2003, I presented a letter to you on behalf of eleven (11) Jailed American Citizen (inmates) who believed their Constitutional, State, and Local Rights were being denied in the Lowndes County Jail.

These inmates requested (my personal) help in getting an outside agency to come investigate, and provide some relief---to their unheard cries!

I immediate turned to you on behalf of these eleven (11) inmates, and gave the Board a copy of my letter, a copy of their letters with their individual names blotched out (although they wanted them used), for their own safety and protection, along with an official statement, signed, and valid questions for inspecting jails in the State of Georgia. Moreover, it included a notarized statements legally signed and stamped with an Official Georgia State Seal.

I also provided questions---many taken from Civil Action #89-54-VAL, U.S. District Courts of the Middle District of Georgia Valdosta Division.

I further, asked for a reply in writing on behalf of these many inmates---who asked for my assistance. However, as of the above date I have not received even a courteous reply.

I am a retired Vietnam period Retired Veteran, minister of truth, single parent, business owner for 14 years, home owner, concerned citizen, former member of the Lowndes County High School Advisory Committee, Valdosta High School Council, Valdosta Project Change Board of Directors, Member of the Valdosta Lowndes County Board of Directors (NAACP), Member of Operation Push, Peoples Tribunal, and other local organizations.

However, I am frustrated because of the prolonged, alleged inhumane, unsanitary, abusive conditions that I have record of presented to me from local inmates, and their family members.

I am also appalled that you have chosen to ignore my urgent request for help on their behalf. Especially since others in the community have given each member of your Board a copy of a two-hour documentary videotape compiled by Valdosta State University entitled, 鄭 Chorus of Fear.・ Therefore, you are fully aware of the alleged problems inmates must endure in the Lowndes County Jail which have been made public through local news media on several occasions.

Since my presentation before the Board, I have received more letters from inmates filled with additional alleged horror stories. Therefore, I was compelled to seek outside help beyond Lowndes County for assistance. Informing them of the alleged problems citizens are having in this community but not being addressed by local officials. If they are they are not being published through local media to the citizens.

It is my ultimate goal to establish a platform wherein our community can began to address the issues perceived or real------that has inmates, their attorneys, pastors, visitors, and their families in outrage.

Lowndes County in 1998 had over 2,000 citizens in an uproar it was only through faith in the system was feeling, and emotions controlled. Today, even the local ministers have lost faith in the system. Therefore something must be done to meet the needs of the people and STOP the pain!

The Valdosta Daily times (VDT), our only daily news papers seems uninterested in keeping the citizens in Lowndes County informed on the real problems confronting the community---in my humbled opinion. Letters have been received from several governmental and organizational bodies concerned about the welfare of our local jailed inmate痴 population and their Constitutional Rights.

Personally, I respect your decision and right to ignore me and the (11) incarcerated inmates whom you apparently was-not elected to represent---in Lowndes County. In addition, it appears that your Board stands outside the mainstream of our democratic form of government---which is of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Therefore, it is my patriotic, duty---to continue seeking help from other agencies with this letter serving as the morale and religious base for my request. These inmates have a right to be heard---some of whom are American Veterans themselves, and some whose sons, and daughters are (now) serving in Iraq.

It is sad these inmates cannot receive help from their elected officials here in Lowndes County. Had these inmates been the children of President George W. Bush, Governor Sonny Perdue, Senator Zell Miller, Sanford Bishop, Georgia Attorney General, the late Honorable Rainwater, or one of your own children? Some elected official would find time to investigate, inspect, and ensure that a complete valid survey among the entire jail population was conducted---because they are human beings.

When I stood before the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners, I stood because Galatians 6; 7, says 敵God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sow that shall he also reap.・ So as I, placed my life on the line---in a foreign nations for people---that I did not know. Then truly, I should be wiling to support, help, and fight for the rights of my fellow Americans here at home. (Luke 4; 18)

The pertinent questions I asked in my original letter were extracted from a valid checklist and should be of concern to every citizen in Lowndes County. (Psalm 35, I give to the inmates for comfort in their hour of despair). Thanks!

A Retired Veteran/Concerned Citizen & Brother of Humanity!

CC: Closed, except to ---Each Jailed Inmate.

PS: Be it known to all people of conscious that ---I am not afraid, to stand on behalf of fellow Americans as a patriot of this Republic. Therefore, I speak truth, because in the end, only truth, love, justice, and understanding will unlock the cell door that leads unto eternal life---and a free conscious!

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