Saturday, August 1, 2009

004 Patrick Henry, Civil Action 89-54-VAL, Local Whiteout Media, Mary Turner Justice All Over Again,


Posted by George B. Rhynes on 8/13/2003 22:35:27
Citizens of Lowndes County Georgia are crying out saying give Me Liberty or Give Me Death. We were told in school that Old Patrick Henry cried out, 敵give me liberty or give me death.・ Many Citizens in Lowndes County Georgia have been crying out for years concerning the deplorable, inhumane, and unsanitary conditions along with alleged police brutality in the Lowndes County Jail---to no avail.

In addition, since Capt. J. D. Yeager reported a few minor problems before the County Commissioners. Local citizens are more determined, focused, and united than even to insure that their neighbors are treated, as they themselves want to be treated.

Former inmates, deputies, parents, attorneys, and pastors went before organizations on behalf of those that were behind bars, and could not speak for themselves. As a result community leaders came together and found out about a 1989 Civil Action #89-54-VAL filed against the jail in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta District concerning discrepancies at the jail.

They reported the alleged torturing of inmates on a bench (the Horse), throwing people into the hole until their scars and wounds had healed. They spoke of a deputy nick named 釘LACK JESUS, because of how he beat up inmates, leeches coming up through the drain and showerhead, 100-degree temperatures in the jail. Windows sealed shut, water running all over the floor, personal mail being opened, not allowed to receive news papers, and religious materials, no ventilation, and no place to dispose of sanitary supplies.

Many guards presented their case before the NAACP, and filed EEOC complaints. Some of which have been settled, but our only daily newspaper VDT, seem uninterested in reporting this information to the public. The best source of information concerning the conditions of the jail was through The Lake Park Post a small independently owned paper by Al Parson.

Lowndes County Jail problems go far beyond Capt. Yeager report before the Board of Commissioners. As Patrick Henry said: 敵give me liberty or give me death.・ So today, it may be the faithful few that will go down in Valdosta, history as the best citizens of this republic.

In our archives, is the history of Lowndes County Government, and Justice System which seems to follow the Supreme Court Law of 1857, which said; that no black person had rights that a white man had to respect.・ (It appears that this was the order of the day throughout all phases surrounding-- the death of Mr. Willie James Williams. The black motorist who died as the result of a fall while in the custody of this department).

Therefore, we should thank Capt. Yeager, from the Sheriffs Department, because he seems to have become our E. F. Hutton, and the Moses of the modern day Hebrew voiceless. Moreover, because he is a white person speaking to the tune of 15 million dollars-- to rebuild or renovate the jail. Maybe now somebody will listen to the cries of the voiceless.

Our first priority as a community must be to keep our children out of jail--- in the first place. However, equally importantly is that the Constitutional Rights of those incarcerated are respected and not trampled on. Always remembering that they are innocent until proven guilty, and sometimes after being proven guilty--- they are still innocent, in Lowndes County.

We are fighting in Iraq to free the Iraqi people while our own rights seems to be stuck in a time warp of the Supreme Court Law of 1857. However, we do not see our quest for justice for inmates, as an impossible mission ---but very obtainable.

In addition, as Paul Harvey would say, concerning the jail ---Just wait for the rest of the story. Peace!

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