Saturday, August 1, 2009

001 Jail Conditions Did NOT Develop Overnight (Letter to tthe editor)

001---JAIL CONDITIONS DIDN’T DEVELOP OVER NIGHT Posted by George B. Rhynes on 8/7/2003 20:54:32

Dear Editor (Valdosta Daily Times)

Your article (Jailhouse blues) on 29 July 2003, concerning Capt. J. D. Yeager Lowndes County Sheriff's Office "there are major problems at the Lowndes County Jail, which result in living conditions that are bordering on inhumane and unsanitary levels."

Finally, after fourteen (14) years of complaints, marches, protests, suits, letters, etc., someone finally acknowledged what many Lowndes County Citizens have known for years. [REF. U.S. DISTRICT COURT FOR MIDDLE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA DIVISION CIVIL ACTION NO. 89-51-VAL. CONCENT ORDER.] The only question is how many people have been treated inhumane and required to live in these unsanitary conditions.

Several organizations addressed these same concerns along with alleged brutality years ago, but our elected officials refused to listen to the voices of the people. Local citizens addressed candidates running for Sheriff during the last election. They came before Capt. Ken Cooper at a local church, wherein former inmates spoke of these conditions. Thanks to Capt. Yeager's report we see they were correct and on point.

Moreover, Valdosta, State University Anthropology Class put together videotape "A Chorus of Fear" in an attempt to educate the community on how fear controls, Valdosta, and Lowndes County. Every citizen needs to review this video to better understand who controls the masses.

In addition, former inmates asked ---"Why can't somebody get an outside agency to come in and investigate the deplorable conditions allowed to exists at the Jail." (Ref videotape, A Chorus of Fear).

Avoiding lawsuits should not be placed above citizens being treated humanly, and having their constitutional rights respected. The real questions should be how many lawsuits are already pending against the jail, and how many have been paid out.

Moreover, how many families have been hurt as the video "A Chorus of Fear" indicates, but are afraid to come forward?

I agree with Capt. Yeager "these conditions did not just happen." Therefore, they should have been addressed in 1989, and the cost would not be -- as high. However, due to denials, and protecting the image in the eyes of the public until the Willie James Williams case was over --- did the people a disservice. Further, what have our Grand Jury been doing since they are required to do annual tours of the Jail?

So less not, blame the Sheriff, County Commissioners, Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times or any other agency. We are all to blame, because we failed to insure that our neighbors are treated, as we ourselves would like to be treated. Even while incarcerated awaiting trial. Peace.

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