Saturday, August 1, 2009

015: Valdosta-Lowndes County Jaial Is No Joke...But who cares? Is their Christians in Lowndes County Georgia etc.,


Posted by George Rhynes on 5/9/2004 01:29:46

Dear Editor Message Boards Concerned Citizens - God of All Human Life & Beyond...


Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said there were no justification for the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq before the Armed Services Committee on 7 May 2004.

Moreover, that President Bush was shocked when he saw the pictures of the abuse.

I too was shocked by repeated telephone calls from the Lowndes County Jail, signed letters, and notarized statements from inmates allegedly suffering in the Lowndes County Jail---located in the State of Georgia.

It was on 26 August 2003, when I presented inmates concerns to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners--seeking relief from suffering and pain. However, they have ignored the inmate’s request.

Therefore, on 13 March 2004, I again addressed the Commissioners on behalf of these inmates but still they refused to reply to American Citizens (inmates) in writing. I also, sent a letter to the Lowndes County Grand Jury Chairman and each member. However, they too ignored these American citizens---not even a courteous reply was received.

Since 1989-2004, the following conditions have been documented and the following people and organizations have been contacted for relief. However, as in Iraq----sooner or later someone will feel their pain, suffering and reach the heart, soul, mind, and ears of God Loving People. If there be any remaining in America!

a. Ms Janet Reno, Georgia Attorney General Thurburt Baker, Rep Sanford Bishop, National Office of the NAACP, Operation Push, ACLU, Georgia Jail Project, the Congressional Black Caucus, (John Lewis), Shellie Jackson Lee, Tavis Smiley, Tom Joyner, several democratic presidential candidates John Dean, Al Sharp ton, and two democratic senators, NPR, AP, USA-Today, 60 minutes, 48 hours, Dateline, many other American News Media outlets---including our only daily news paper the Valdosta Daily Times, and many, many more.

However, seemingly they have given their silent consent decree to the following living conditions. Therefore, inmates in the Lowndes County Jail must continue living under the following conditions in the state of Georgia---LIKE PRISONERS IN IRAQ, BUT WHO CARES.

INFORMATION EXTRACED FROM ACTUAL INMATES LETTERS & NOTARIZED STATEMENTS. (In the Lowndes County Jail (19 July Aug 2003). These items were extracted directly from inmates DOCUMENTED comments. One should also see Capt. Yeager Report to the County Commissioners/Valdosta Daily Times on 19 July 2003, 29 Aug 2003], Georgia problems 1989 2003]

Notice: This does not include the many letters received at the Lake Park Post, a local newspaper and other community organizations all available for review!

1. Inmates are incarcerated for months without seeing their Court Appointed Attorney. Therefore, they are denied due process.

2. Deputy pulls out a pistol like object and waves all around before aiming squarely at inmate and telling inmate to get against the wall.・ All because inmates want to complete a complaint form on a deputy.

3. Inmates kneed in back by deputy and his forearm in the back of his neck and trying to push inmate (Name withheld but available), face into the wall ・at which time inmate (Name Withheld, but available), rightfully defended himself against those unwarranted, unprovoked acts by deputy.

4. Inmates denied the right to file a legitimate complaint form in the State of Georgia when it is against a deputy.

5. Georgia Inmates have problems getting regular complaint forms notarized as proof that action was taken deputy said; 的 ant痴 signing a damn thing ・get it signed yourself.・BR>
6. Inmates must show copy of sixth amendment to educate deputy on inmate rights. (The deputy tells inmate to get out of my face, and pushes inmate, unprovoked. All as a result of attempting to fill out a Georgia complaint form.

7. Incidents are swept under the rug rather than being properly investigated. And no one will listen to inmates concerns within Jail facility.

8. Inmates must endure cruel and unusual punishment at the jail. There must be an outside agency to inspect this jail for things to change.

9. Many tours are done through the jail. But the bad areas are not shown. Only tailored tours are given. The kitchen is not always shown; therefore, no valid review of the jail is done.

10. Drinking water is unfit to drink and food is terrible.

11. Inmates are required to live in inhumane, unsanitary and abusive conditions. (Squalid Conditions).

12. Cell doors sticks when opened from control booth --- that creates problems! Inmates are locked in cell because of malfunction!

13. Deputies play with the fans and taunts and agitate inmates in cellblocks where there is no ventilation or air conditioning.

14. Inmates must endure leaky water pipes, in dormitory; pools of water are over the floor. This is a hazard because inmates are required to wear flip-flops.

15. When inmates try to keep a potential bad situation from getting worst. Deputies often make things worst by not paying attention to the needs of inmates it was on 23 July 2003!

16. Lowndes County Administrations lie and don稚 acknowledge the handbook they give out to inmates.

17. Food is not nutritional, and inmates have questioned its cleanliness.

18. Two cells (cell 12 A & B) has no bed frame or nothing in it at all, besides out of order toilets and the sink does not work at all.

19. If an inmate does something like cursing a Sgt. or Officer. He will be booked 9 out of 10. He is going to one of these cells depending what Sergeant.

20. Inmates are stripped naked left in this conditions for long periods of time.

21. Jail staff will not provide water as needed and inmates do not get showers or wash his/her hands face or do any hygiene customs.

22. Inmates are placed in cell (12B) with no mattress or nothing else for necessities.

23. Inmates are placed in handcuffs and shackled for 7 days and six nights straight. (Copy of incident on File in Jail says inmates).

24. The jail has a restraint chair, inmates are not allowed to use the bathroom, and a chance to stretch as provided by polices in force by the State of Georgia.

25. Medical staff is very much on the side of the Sheriffs office, and does not administer the needs of inmates.

26. The Medical Staff lies, hides issues, and don稚 document incidents that happen that could cause legal trouble for the administration.

27. Inmates families are lied to by Jail administration when they call concerning their love ones welfare.

28. This jail is very unconstitutional and several inmates’ say that it is ran in a racist manner.

29. The jail handbook is a fraud; in fact, it is so easy to prove.

30. Inmates needs to be interviewed, and the facility should be inspected everywhere there is a swinging doors.

31. (Name Withheld but available), was recently fired; (Gender withheld but available), could be a vital witness in every issue if (Gender withheld), is willing to do so --- to confirm these horrendous conditions.

32. Since the Jail started toting lasers to Las inmates when out of control. But that痴 not how they are being used and I believe the situation will get worst.

33. Inmates are denied their rights to have access to the Law Library even without requests and that痴 not happening.

34. Inmates are taxed when they buy stamps and on store items.
(Inmates believe they are exempt from this practice.)

35. PERSONAL REQUEST: Inmates requested that I (George B. Rhynes) call on the community to sign a petition for the inspector’s office and the U. S. Marshals Office to inspect and investigate the Jail Administrations.

36. Inmates (Name Withheld but available) was left in the restraints chain for 18 hours straight on one occasion in the past.

37. HANDBOOK VIOLATIONS: Each inmate may designate up to twelve immediate family members etc. [This is not being done we are limited to six]

38.Each inmate will participate in an organized and supervised program of daily cleaning within his housing and common areas. [This is not being done at all]

39.Inmates in the hold (cell 8) do not ever get to clean his call --- practically have to beg to receive cleaning materials.

40. Each inmate will be entitled to shower daily and required to shower three (3) times a week. [This is not happening. Inmates in (cell 8,) and the (MP) area. Also medical isolated inmates are forced to receive the minimum (3 showers a week). Even officers try to rush inmates out of showers.

41.Disciplinary process must be fair and systematic so that no person staff or inmate may plead ignorance of the rules or bias in the procedures. Hasty arbitrary decision and/or corporal punishment shall not be allowed. [This is not the case]

42. Inmates are convicted by one person, where inmates are suppose to be placed in lock-up then incident is supposed to be investigated and then a hearing. [This is not being done}

43. ABOVE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT VIOLATIONS: But there are many more including inmate private parts being photographed. (Letter of complaint documented-available).

44. The Medical Staff and Administration: (Name withheld, but available), LPN/RN is the Head Nurse. She distributes medication in water out of the capsule before she痴 in inmate’s presence. This violates inmates rights to confirm exactly what痴 in the water and if it痴 the correct medication.

45. (Name withheld but available), (LPN) ignores inmates verbal complaints. If it is about issues and Sheriff Admin Office say, they can稚 make medical to nothing.・BR>
46. Some nurses will refuse inmates his/her medicine if the inmates and nurse has had an altercation and jail Administrators condone the action and will not stop it.

47. Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights are still being violated as of 2003.

48. Inmates have exhausted all their avenues, and they seek outside help from any body that will help them. They believe many people only procrastinate about providing relief about the ill Administration in the Lowndes County Jail.

49. Some inmates are willing to take some steps but not nearly, enough that would be significant to bring enough stress on the jail to change their ill actions, inhuman, treatment towards inmates.

50. The whole issue of the extreme bad conditions in the jail rests on the Sheriff because of his lack of concern and interest of the Jail痴 operations.

51. The Sheriff is intentionally accepting fabrications from jail administrations to hide the facts that there are some serious violations inside his jail and with its operation in my opinion.

II. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT OWN ADMISSION: Capt. Yeager from the Sheriffs Department as reported in the Valdosta, Daily times 29 July 2003!

52, We have massive plumbing problems.

53. Water runs non-stop in sections of the jail creating safety hazards.

54. Toothpaste tubes are stuffed into showerheads in attempt to stop leaks.

55. Water in cell refuse to discharge any water this is typical.

56. Staff has to pour acid down all of the drains to keep leeches and other pests from entering the jail especially shower areas.

57. Rusty shower frames, which Capt. Yeager said inmates are using to make shanks.

58. Heat swelter to over 100 degrees and no air.

59. Many windows no longer opens and oscillating fans only serve to push heat air around.

60. Cell locks are obsolete larger security pods can be opened with as little as a bed sheet or an identification card, giving the inmates undesired freedom of movement.

61. Control boards are also fading that controls operate most of the doors. The alternative is to give jail personnel individual keeps, which is a liability risk.

62. Jail held 570 people, but jail staff was forced to cook three meals in a 1956 kitchen designed to feed 80 prisoners.

63. Capt. Yeager said 鄭 jail our size should have a kitchen four times this size.・BR>
64. Jail intake area was designed to handle 120 people though they have 500 and there is no way to segregate male and female prisoners at the intake desk.

65. The Infirmary has a capacity of only 10 prisoners. It has no negative air flow areas to handle infectious disease cases---it has become a logistic nightmare.

64.Transporting prisoners to court appearances are so inadequate that inmates are stacked in visitation areas.

66. Sewer lines are also corroded and the City of Valdosta has put the Sheriffs Office on notice that they jail will soon need its own lift station and grinder to keep solid waste out of the city痴 treatment system.

66. Doors jambs are stifling, creating unstable doors, which could potentially be forced opened.

67. The conditions at the jail also effect the 108 jail employees.

68. Employees should not be exposed to such bad conditions that now exist in the jail.

CONCLUSION: For more information read page 6B, of the Valdosta Daily times dated 5 September 2003. Also see expired Civil Action No. 89-54-VAL, Consent Order and Decree, from U.S. district Court for The Middle District of Georgia Valdosta Division, Dated 6 June 1989.

A concerned citizen and brother of humanity!

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