Saturday, August 1, 2009

008: Lowndes County Gran Jury NEEDS HELP! Letter to Valdosta Daily Times" No Justice in Lowndes County for the poor!


Posted by George B. Rhynes on 9/11/2003 19:53:14

The Lowndes County Grand Jury in its present state of affairs cannot be relied upon to fix the problems in the Lowndes County Jail. I personally contacted members of the last Grand Jury---who received no guidance on Federal, Sate, or Local laws governing county jails in the State of Georgia.

We have had many grand juries, tours, sheriffs, complaints from inmates, law suits, an according to Capt. Yeager of the Sheriffs Department our jail remains in deplorable conditions.

The Rev. Floyd Rose, president of the Peoples Tribunal is correct in his letter as reported in the VDT, to Mr. Pritchard. 的its all about credibility and accountability.・ This is something our local government will eventually become familiar with through continual lawsuits from inmates who are now seeking agencies outside the state of Georgia for help.

While there is much discussion concerning the costs of repairing or rebuilding the jail---the continual cries of inmates to local government and local news media seems to be squashed. Especially since the Lake Park Post appears to have become another victim of the establishment.

In response to the VDT, opinion column concerning the jail: Sweet sounding words will not solve the problems of the jail without local governmental bodies becoming familiar with Federal, State, and Local requirements as well as all Grand Juries to avoid additional law suits.

Our local government must become a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Therefore, ink on paper will not become a substitute--- for help on the premises. Peace!

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